Thursday, March 3, 2011


All map is now divided into chunks.
Every chunk is basically a rectangle with random number generation seed.
It means, chunks can be loaded and unloaded on fly, theoretically leading to the infinite map.

Red line show borders between chunks.


  1. kewl! but I think it is better to concentrate on some kind of 'level' gameplay, say, world with 10x10 chunks and the mission to achieve :)

    I know that is not so roguelike, but it can be fun ^^

  2. A am totally agree. I don't want to make the map too huge, it is meaningless.

  3. @SomeRandomKid
    I am currently terribly stuck with python threading performance. In order to do so i need to completely rewrite code under other language/platform.

  4. You should really make a post explaining that this is just delayed not dead.
